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Portable Station Box Two

Concept:  Build a battery operated radio go box capable of operating for 12 hours or more on its own internal battery (using 80% Receive 20% Transmit as a power consumption baseline).  Easy battery charging capability.  Usable with any mobile radio.  Basically, have a “grab and go” capability for short term operating.  Rugged and water proof or at least water resistant.

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Battery charge receptacle with powerpole connectors installed inside.  A screw cap protects the receptacle when in travel mode or in use.  Rubber bumper stands (came with the box along with the mounted power receptacle as purchased via eBay) both protect the receptacle and allow it to stand on its side as needed. I plug in a trickle charger and leave it on trickle charge when not in use so that it is always ready to go with a full charge.

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Dense foam padded Battery Box with two 7aH batteries.  Nylon strap holds the batteries in place. Very snug fit when the battery compartment top is in place.

Battery voltage meter.  Not "always on".  The button connects the meter when needed and the meter uses no voltage when not needed.

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I really like using this "grab and go" box.  I use it with a roll up J-Pole antennaI made.  It is always ready and all I do is open it, hang the antenna and turn on the radio and I am on the air.  I have tossed this in the back of my UTV and gone trail riding, stopped on a ridge, put it on the air and talked to people via a distant repeater.  It is robust and can take some punishment but still operate when needed.  Note: I replaced the Radio Shack Radio with a Yaesu FT-1900.  When in use I reduce transmit power to about 25 Watts to conserve battery power.  

I now have a back-up power source for the Go Box.  This kit consists of a "sled" that the DeWalt Battery slides into.  This sled is connected to a DC to DC converter that takes 20 Volts and converts it to 13.8 Volts.  This in turn can connect to the Go Box radio via the power connector.  This system allows me to transmit at full power, 55 Watts.  I have six of these batteries and aside from the "Dual Use" capability of the batteries, I can probably operate for a week or more and if I have the capability, I can charge the on-board Gel Cells while using this system.  Both the sled and DC to DC Converter are from Amazon.

Shown here as well is a battery clip that I can plug into the radio and then clip onto a standard car battery to run the radio if need be.  I would not need the converter for this so the battery clip leads go direct to the power plug on the radio via the snap-in connector on the end.  

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