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K7LTC/W7LTC Cabin Communications
St. Maximilian Kolb
St. Maximilian Kolb was born in Poland in 1894. He was influenced strongly by a vision of the Virgin Mary in 1906. This vision led him to join a monastery in 1907 and then be ordained a priest in 1918. St. Kolb organized a number of monasteries in Poland and Asia, using publications and eventually radio to get his message out. St. Kolb died in Auschwitz after offering his own life for another inmate that had been selected to die. He died on August 14th 1941 and his remains were cremated on August 15th, the feast day of the Assumption of Mary. He was canonized as a saint by Pope John Paul II in 1982. Because he ran a shortwave station to get the word out to his flock, he is the adopted Patron Saint of Amateur Radio.
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